UNYSE maintains multiple USEPA and NYS certifications for our specialized services. This includes renewable certifications for our personnel as well as the firm. Our staff must meet qualifications criteria, which include attending accredited, discipline-specific certification training, completing an agency application, and, in some instances, successfully completing a third-party examination.
Firm certifications are also renewable, based on evidence of appropriate insurance and good regulatory standing.
Contact us for more information.

UNYSE holds a NYS Department of Labor (DOL) Asbestos Handling License for inspections, monitoring, design and management planning. Staff have completed initial and annual refresher training and maintain asbestos handler certificates as inspectors, project designers, manager planners, air sampling technicians, project monitors and abatement supervisors.
UNYSE maintains firm certification under EPA TSCA 402 to provide lead paint activities. Our environmental consultants have completed accredited training and tri-annual refreshers, passed a third-party test and are certified inspectors or risk assessors and, in limited circumstances, clearance examiners.
UNYSE maintains firm certification under the NYS DOL Mold Program. Our environmental consultants have completed accredited training, bi-annual refreshers and are certified mold assessors under the New York State Department of Labor Mold Program.
Hazardous Materials
UNYSE staff members have completed the OSHA 40 hour General Site Worker as well as the nationally recognized 24 hour Hazardous Materials Environmental Sampling course.